Editing Services

Do you want to learn and grow as a writer and make your work stronger? With n.n. proof-edits, you will receive a thorough service, plus feedback and helpful suggestions to make your writing the best it can be.

Choose from three different services, all customized to meet your unique requirements and needs:
  • Proof-edit
  • Developmental edit
  • Beta read
Services Explained

A proof-edit is a well rounded service that covers all the basics of grammar and a developmental edit. Perfect for writers wanting to fine tune their work and get feedback.

A proof-edit covers:
Proofreading, with a focus on:
  • typos
  • grammar, spelling, and punctuation 
  • consistent spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
  • cross reference check (for work with diagrams, pictures, tables, etc.)
  • layout and formatting
Copy editing, with a focus on: 
  • organization and sentence structure
  • clarity, word choice, and repetition
  • elimination of clichés and wordiness
  • changing passive voice to active where needed
  • general evaluation of plot and character development (if applicable)

 What you will receive with a proof-edit:  
  1. A customized service to meet your specific needs.
  2. Two passes through the entire manuscript.
  3. A “clean” copy of your work with edits applied.
  4. A “marked” copy of your work with edits highlighted.
  5. An Editing Report (for longer works) which goes into more detail about changes made and discusses particular areas of strength and weakness, with suggestions on how to make the work stronger.   
Benefits of a proof-edit:
Become a better writer - Every proof-edit offers a unique teaching approach by giving examples and suggestions to help writers learn and grow through the editing process. This is especially useful for creative works such as novel manuscripts.

Editing and proofreading combine - Most editing companies offer copy editing and proofreading as a separate service. But with n.n. proof-edits both services are combined. No need to pay for two separate services or worry which service is right for you - all the bases are covered!
Your own personal editor - Every edit takes into special consideration your concerns as a writer. Not sure if the end of your novel works? Worried about certain points not being clear? Special focus can be placed on any area of concern you might have, giving you a personalized edit perfectly suited to your needs. 
A proof-edit is perfect for: 
Novel manuscripts, short stories, eBooks, website content, business plans, newsletters and more!
Developmental Edit 
A developmental edit focuses solely on the development of plot and characters in a work of fiction. This edit does not cover grammar, punctuation, formatting, etc. This service can be combined with a proof-edit if a more thorough critique is required.  

A developmental edit covers:
  •  plot development (consistency, clarity, believability)
  • character development (consistency, believability)
  • narrative voice
  • description
  • dialogue
  • story structure and organization

What you will receive with a developmental edit:
  1. A customized service to meet your specific needs.
  2. Two passes through the work.
  3. A copy of your work with comments and suggestions noted throughout.
  4. An Editing Report which discusses particular areas of strength and weakness, with suggestions on how to make the work stronger. 
Benefits of a developmental edit:
Fresh perspective - See your work in a new light, with a fresh perspective offering useful feedback.

Be inspired  - Practical suggestions and examples of ways to improve your work help spark the writing muse.

Find solutions - Move past tricky plot holes and character problems to complete a work you can be proud of.
A developmental edit is perfect for:
Novels, novellas, short stories, memoirs

Beta Read
A beta read offers a critique of your work from start to finish. Grammar, punctuation, formatting, etc. are not covered. This service is great for writers wanting feedback from a reader's perspective. 

A beta read is an analysis, not an edit. Some topics covered include:
Does the work...
  • fit the genre and age group desired
  • hold the reader's attention
  • have a successful beginning and end
Also covered...
  • what are the works strengths and weaknesses
  • are there inconsistencies in the plot or plot holes
  • are the characters consistent

What you will receive with a beta read:
  1. One pass through the work.
  2. An Editing Report which discussed the covered topics listed above where applicable.
Benefits of a beta-read:
Test out ideas - an unbiased opinion from a avid reader can confirm or do away with those nagging doubts. Find out what your work's strengths and weaknesses are.

Questions answered - You've been wondering ever since you finished your work if it's ready for the world to read. What kind of impact will it make? Is it strong enough to survive the slush pile? These questions and more will be answered.